Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Whither old Friends

The database of Canadian registered aircraft is available on line for historical and current searches. It is sometimes interesting to find out where the various airplanes one has flown over the years have gone. Sadly I've discovered the registration of the airplane I took my first lesson and first solo on the way to my PPL in, CF-BIS, was cancelled last September. The circumstances leading to cancellation are not revealed, but I do know that home base was Port Mcneill British Columbia from 1990. Registration cancellation doesn't mean the airplane will be out of service permanently, indeed the historical data has two previous C of R cancellations (presumably for transfer of ownership). This machine would be 40 years old, and 16 years in the Pacific coast air can be unkind to the materials. I hope it will find its way back into the sky because the alternative will make me feel entirely too old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww..thats bad.Hope the aircraft finds its way up in the sky soon. Good luck to you.
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