Monday, December 29, 2008

Resolutions for 2009

I don't normally hold with the tradition of making resolutions at the turn of the calendar. I believe that if I find a deficiency in my life, or just want to change my direction, I don't need a celestial trigger to take action. That said, the last two months have been a watershed of introspection for me. I've made new friends, both on-line and in real time, I've been offered new opportunities in both my paid, and volunteer work. Finally I've taken two weeks off to be with family over Christmas. A very fertile environment for new plans and hopes for the future. Also a number of other pilots who blog are committing resolutions to the net. I'm not one to let a band wagon pass without at least testing the ride so here goes:

  1. Loose 20lbs. This is a fairly standard resolution, but I have a slight twist which I hope will motivate me to make it happen. My airplane burns 1lb of fuel per minute at maximum cruise. If I loose 20lbs I can cary 20 minutes more fuel, which is a third of my personal reserve. It will also make my wife and doctor happy.
  2. Spend more time with my family and friends. This unfortunately means cutting back on some of my volunteer activities. Sulako has set a target of 10%. I think that is reasonable and what I'll aim for too. The problem is, there are so many good causes out there, and so few people actually willing to commit time and energy to them.
  3. Do more long cross country trips in the plane. I hope to combine this with #2. I learned, or perhaps relearned, on a trip earlier in the month that the distance spanning abilities of GA can bring us together with people we care about that is not possible with other modes of transport.
  4. Finish two renovation projects. I have four or five on the go, some for an embarrassing long time. I really should finish them off, and I can combine this with #2 as well.
  5. Because 5 is a Dihedral Prime, there is a certain asymmetric symmetry that I like, so my fifth and final resolution is to spend more time kayaking. Since this will also help me with #1 and #2 it will be an efficient use of my time. Besides, there is nothing half so much worth doing than messing about in boats.
Have a safe and prosperous new year.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

"Spend more time with my family and friends."
That's one we all need to make, my friend.
I don't know how you measure it, and the only way to stick to it is actually schedule it so it happens. But in the end the $$$ don't really matter. Quality time with loved ones and friends does.
Good luck... hope you stick with it!